Cross-cultural Strategy
Is your value proposition meaningful across cultures?
Nationalities, religions and ethnic heritage constitute cultural systems on a macro level. Yet, there are countless local and global subcultures, from video gamers to cyclists, from vegans to flat-earthers, with cultural codes that bind people together and influence their collective behaviours.
We assist our clients in gaining a deeper understanding of their target culture and provide creative cultural solutions to make better-educated strategic decisions. We have more than 10 years of experience working with some leading global brands and agencies.
You can use our services for a new market entry strategy, brand positioning and communication, developing new product concepts, and discovering new opportunities.
pakt is a cross-cultural strategic consultancy.
Our core offering is to find creative solutions for you to make impactful, agile and resilient strategic decisions and save your business money, time and effort in creativity and innovation.
We are a global community of cultural strategists, creative thinkers and designers from different backgrounds, disciplines and cultures. We assemble a diverse team of sensemakers that explores target culture to find innovative solutions for your business problems.
Whether it be understanding target market culture or the future of a category, we work for our clients in making sense of cultural systems and making resilient strategic decisions.

Some of our clients

This is not a glass of milk.
For some, this is nutrition. For some, this is a plant-based revolution. For some, this is animal welfare. For some, this is sacred. For some, this does not mean anything.
Meaning is fluid; like milk, it takes the shape of its container. We discover for you what it means for your audience, either in a faraway land or within your native markets.
Discover ideas, insights and meanings hidden in plain sight.
pakt is a holistic sensemaking agency.
We are your
cultural discovery team.
You can consider us an expedition crew that goes into unknown cultural territories to discover new ideas, insights and knowledge for your business. Imagine Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama or Charles Darwin, who went on a mission to explore new lands and came back with ideas and learnings that changed everything.